What is the reason you joined the Trenton Business Association group or any group for that matter? When you join a group for business, it should not be decision taken lightly. Too often many companies join and then never attend a meeting or networking event…ever.
Some may join just to get in the Association listing or a web site link. But if you are paying for membership anywhere, you should have a plan to make it worth your investment dollars!
Every group I am active with has an engagement plan. What am I doing with the group monthly, weekly and yearly to participate, refer other members, sponsor or support an event and of course actively promote their events and news along with my own social media. Here is a sample media checklist to consider for each group that you belong to: As an active member, it is up to you to make sure that you check on these things after you join and yearly:
Are you listed properly on the web site with a link to your business site?
Are you on their email list? Are all of your employees?
Do you have a monthly schedule of the group’s events and have you added them to your calendar?
Have you joined their Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin groups?
Have you found ways to share your business information every week or month? This would be through social media, e-newsletters e-blasts, ect.
Have you reached out to other group members? Through lunch and learns, social media, ect.
Do you share other group member’s promotions and events? With your social media, or with your clients?
Help Your ASSOCIATION and help your business! If you do these social media posts consistently, you will see how your business can grow with your membership.
Social Media- Are you on Facebook, Youtube or Linkedin?
__ Then Log on and “Like or Follow” the ASSOCIATION! There may be a Facebook page and a Facebook Group. Find the company or group on Linkedin and “like” it.
Then for Facebook, whenever you can:
__ Join an upcoming event, then Share an ASSOCIATION event
__Share, Comment or Like an ASSOCIATION post on your timeline or with a page/group you manage
__Post your Business page link on their page or group
__Post a business special on their page or group
__Check in at any ASSOCIATION event, meeting or program
__Check in with any ASSOCIATION member page
__Take an ASSOCIATION selfie and post, Take pictures or video at any event and post to page, tag photos @ASSOCIATION
__Post a review or a status update of why you like the ASSOCIATION Then for Linkedin whenever you can:
__Post on the Linkedin group or business page about why you are attending an upcoming event
__Share an ASSOCIATION event on your profile Then for Youtube whenever you can: __Like an ASSOCIATION video
__Comment on an ASSOCIATION video
__Share an ASSOCIATION video
For Email: __If you want to forward the ASSOCIATION emails to employees or associates, simply scroll to the very bottom of the email and click FORWARD the email and you can help spread the ASSOCIATION news!
By: Kathy Kane
For the past twenty years the Trenton Business Association have honored some stellar businesses in Trenton including Drs. Jackson, Snider & Parker, Oakwood Southshore, Home Sweet Home, The Framery, Public Services credit Union, Colors By Kim, Fritz Enterprises, Mr. Handyman, Savannah’s, Dan’s Barber Shop ,West Grange Pharmacy, the European Boutique, Savannah’s again, The Lighthouse, Captain’s Headquarters, Roundhouse BBQ, Open Book Theatre, John McNally- 2019 Business person of the year, Truago and last year All About Grace.
Five businesses were nominated this year. The Vintage Market Mercantile is new to Trenton but was nominated for the great things they have done for the community with their well-attended pop-up festivals. Not only do the orchestrate and run the Trenton Farmers Market, they work hard for their store and the city to bring exciting new events to the area.
Martenson Family of Funeral Homes was nominated for the many things they do for churches, groups and events in our community. Not only is their business open 24/7 to help families deal with personal crisis, during the ongoing pandemic, they also support many charities and events in a very unassuming way. Their staff is the most gracious and helpful to all families in time of grief.
Kevin James Menswear was nominated for their call to action during the pandemic and their selfless efforts to produce PPE masks for hospitals, front line workers and health care staff that were searching for non-existent safety protection at the onset of Covid crisis.
South Valley Internal Medicine was nominated for their quick response to the pandemic by being the first facility in the area to provide Covid vaccinations. Dr Lovy was even interviewed on Good Morning America about his work during the pandemic. Their office was the first approved site in our area to carry monoclonal antibody therapy for covid patients. His staff have worked to care for so many with heart and soul for over two years and they are appreciated.
Mister Nicks was nominated for all of the behind the scenes giving to groups and community projects in need. Through staff shortages and hardships owner Rob always was kind and smiling even if he was waiting tables or cooking in the kitchen. He also was so kind to the Rotary Club who he was able to allow meet in the basement until they could meet back at the Westfield and the Rotary is so grateful for that.
It was actually because of what these businesses did during the pandemic this year that the TBA chose 2 businesses for 2022. Congratulations to the 20222 Businesses of the Year, Kevin James Menswear and owner Jessica Bazner and South Valley Internal Medicine, Dr Jonathan Lovy and his medical team. For more information on the TBA visit trentonbiz.com.
By: Kathy Kane
We are all living in a time of great change.
Are things changing at a greater rate of speed than they did before the pandemic? Maybe, or maybe it is just more noticeable. There are changes in our schools, changes in our family dynamics due to political and covid beliefs, there are many changes in our business practices and even the way we shop and provide for our families.
We have learned in the past two years how to change and adapt more quickly. In Trenton, we have already seen how new businesses like Vintage Market Mercantile and All about Grace have the taken leadership to add weekend activities and new events to the Downtown area. John McNally continues to build plans for future developments and had stepped up to underwrite the first annual Trenton Winterfest in February.
Larry Pettinga’s granddaughters are leading change in their family owned business at The Framery, as are fourth generation Michael and Ben Martenson who have joined the staff at Martenson Family of Funeral Homes.
New restaurants are in the works for the downtown area and renovations to established business are popping, with many Trenton residents leading these new initiatives.
In the Trenton Business Association, we have had many new members join and Cindi Ames Lilly and Sherri Gramlich with EXP Realty have volunteered to lead the membership committee this year to invite even more businesses to the group to support business in Trenton. We are creating videos of our members so we can share their stories with the community on a more personal level.
In the Trenton Rotary Club, despite the challenges of meeting during the pandemic, the group still raised over $44,000 last year and gave away $36,000 to charities in need, $10,000 in Trenton scholarships and $26,000 to the Rotary foundation. They provided STEM toys to the Goodfellows and Salvation Army, worked and served at Thanksgiving dinners for the homeless, rang the bell for the Salvation Army, organized the 20th annual State of City as well as a blood drive, shred day, volunteered at the Covid clinic plus much more.
Watching our City Council meetings and the process for voting in a new council person to replace Bill Lefevre, was really a fine moment for our community. I was impressed with the quality of people applying for the position who really seemed genuine and humble to volunteer for the best interests of our City. The council questions were relevant, the interactions civil and respectful, I am very proud of the process and those who care so much about Trenton.
There are concerned citizens who created a McLouth Waterfront Alliance as well as a Downriver Waterfront Conservancy. They are creating awareness for the protection and economic development of our Detroit River waterfront. It is great to see how much residents care about the community.
Now is the time for the next generation to lead Trenton into our next new normal and I believe we are in good hands.
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